Annual Spring Meeting
Our 2025 Spring Meeting will take place at Indiana University in Bloomington on Saturday, March 8.
Cost is $50 which includes presentations and sessions on Saturday, our business meeting and luncheon, and (hopefully) tours of newly installed physics reserach labs. The rate is discounted to $10 if you are a first-time attendee, and college students pursuing a degree in teaching can attend for free!
After you have registered, you can pre-pay your registration fee using the Pay Pal widget. Payment will also be accepted at the event. First-time attendees and students get a discount. Students enrolled in a teacher preparation program are free!
You can also donate to the Indiana Section! Use the PayPal button. Thank you for your donation!
Call for Presentations
At our Spring Meeting, Saturday morning and afternoon will include presentations by physics teachers and educators from around the state. We need presentation proposals from many of you in order to make this program a success, so please consider sharing your ideas and experiences with other physics instructors. Varying levels of experience and expertise are welcome. Plan now to attend and make a presentation!
Suggested Session Presentation Topics:
A novel way of presenting an idea or a concept;
A demonstration or series of demonstrations;
A student project or activity for a physics class;
Physics research;
Physics education research;
Any idea that would be useful to physics teachers at any level of instruction.
Presentations will be scheduled to run ~15 minutes plus five minutes for questions. A limited number of double block sessions will be accepted. Please indicate any special equipment needed.
Talks of any variety that might be beneficial to our association are welcome. The deadline for submissions of presentations is March 4th, 2025.
Meeting Agenda
Tentative Schedule
Check back for details
Directions and Lodging
Indiana University is located in Bloomington, Indiana. The map below can be searched for nearby hotels, or contact local coordinator Ben Grimes for more information.